Family Law
The Law Office of Isaac L. Fischer
handles all aspects of divorce, or the "dissolution of marriage"
as it is known in California. Besides dissolving a marriage, the court will divide property, make orders regarding child custody and visitation
and determine child and spousal support. California is a no-fault state which means that either party may obtain a divorce solely on the grounds of irreconcilable differences. However, expert advocacy is critical to getting a fair or equal distribution of assets, valuing assets like business or professional practices, determining true incomes or earning capacities for setting support or obtaining custody orders that are truly in the best interests of the children.
We keep the child's best interest at the heart of every child custody case. We have particular expertise and experience in litigating complex custody issues such as those where one party is wanting to "move-away," where there are allegations of abuse or molestation or where one party has, or is alleged to have, mental health or substance abuse problems.